Because PPC (polyenylphosphatidylcholine) is found in every cell membrane of our body and all diseases are ultimately related to the activity of our cells, it is not surprising that PPC – this regenerator of cell membranes also helps with kidney diseases.
Here we have collected two testimonials from doctors who have treated patients who came to the practice with a diagnosis of renal insufficiency:
Case 1: 53-year-old patient (2002) with renal insufficiency
(In the case of renal insufficiency (kidney weakness, kidney failure) the kidneys function only to a limited extent or no longer at all)
Treated by: Joachim W. Picht, Therapy Centre Freiburg

10-year history of hypertonia (high blood pressure), last treated with 4-times antihypertensive therapy (antihypertensive drugs). Poor patient compliance (i.e. the patient has not followed the doctor’s instructions) with repeatedly high RR values (blood pressure values). No other diseases are present / diagnosed.
2002 on holiday in Thailand. One week of coughing with increasing difficulty in breathing led to hospitalisation and intensive medical treatment with respirator ventilation. Patient fell into a coma. He received two antibiotics for atypical pneumonia.
On admission, hypertensive crisis with RR 250/170 mmHg (meaning: acute danger to life). In the course of pulmonary oedema and subsequent renal failure requiring dialysis. Dialysis was started during artificial respiration. After the artificial respiration was completed, the patient was transported back to Germany. He received a total of 102 dialysis treatments in Germany from 02.01.2003 to 30.12.2003.
Diagnoses: malignant nephrosclerosis (symptoms of malignant nephrosclerosis occur when severe high blood pressure causes damage to the kidney, brain and heart), hypertensive vasculopathy (damage to blood vessels caused by high blood pressure), interstitial (connective tissue that runs between the individual sections within the organs) renal fibrosis (inflammation of the kidney with scarring), pronounced nephritis (inflammation of the kidney, biopsy secured), secondary hypertonia.
Presented for the first time in July 2005 at the Freiburg Therapy Centre. Start of therapy 30.10. – 01.12. 2006 for phosphatidylcholine infusion treatment with 2000 mg phosphatidylcholine (DLPC)/infusion a total of 10 infusions. No dialysis treatment took place during the treatment period.
Laboratory values during this period: Creatinine 12.4 mg/dl reduced to 6.4 mg/dl (norm 0.5 – 1.2) Urea 301 mg/dl reduced to 123 mg/dl (norm 10 – 45) Uric acid 8.2 mg/dl reduced to 5.1 mg/dl (norm 3, 4 – 7) alpha-amylase (breaks down multiple sugars into single sugars) 295 U/L reduced to 158 U/L (norm <100) homocysteine (elevated blood values for homocysteine can damage blood vessels) 20.1 µmol/L reduced to 17.0 µmol/L (norm < 9 µmol/L)
Case 2: Patient (83) with renal insufficiency
Treated by: Dr. Dieter Rösler, Lenting

An 83-year-old patient with renal insufficiency (creatinine value 1.6 instead of the normal value of 1.1) was treated. After 10 infusions of PPC 3 times a week, renal function improved by 25% to 1.3. At the same time, nocturia (nocturnal urination) decreased from 3-4 times a night to 2 times a week; in addition, the patient had significantly less lower leg edema ((leg edema is an accumulation of fluid (oedema) in the tissue of the lower limb).