Injection-Lipolysis / Lipodissolve – Fat reduction through minimally invasive alternative to liposuction

Injektions-Lipolyse - Die minimal-invasive Alternative zur Fettabsaugung

Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

The melting of small fat deposits

Who does not know them, the small fat pads, which simply do not want to disappear despite good nutrition and sport. Whether as saddlebags, love handles, or double chin – in many places there is often not much that can be done. In areas such as the belly, it is usually only possible by massive procedures such as liposuction. What many people do not know is that a procedure that destroys fat cells in a minimally invasive way has been in existence for over 20 years. Injection lipolysis – or commonly known as fat-dissolving-injection – is an increasingly popular method of getting rid of the fat pads just mentioned.

The therapy has its origins in 1995, when Dr. Rittes, Brazil, injected the so-called Lipostabil into her eyelids for the first time. The agent was otherwise used to eliminate fat embolisms and also showed good results in removing excess fat deposits.

The Network Globalhealth therefore made it its task to further develop injection lipolysis into a standardised treatment. Together with Dr. Hasengschwandtner – honorary member of the Network – a safe and effective procedure has been developed in hundreds of thousands of treatments over the last 16 years. Today, more and more doctors worldwide are being trained in the therapy. In this way they offer their patients a less invasive and less expensive alternative to liposuction, which can also be combined well with other therapies. Aesthetics are increasingly moving towards minimally invasive treatments. Lipolysis has thus become an essential part of the repertoire of every aesthetic practitioner.

How injection lipolysis / lipodissolve works

The basic mode of action of lipolysis is based on not only emptying fat cells, but on destroying them completely. In the procedure, the active ingredient PPC is injected directly into the fat pads together with the so-called deoxycholic acid (DCA). The DCA induces an inflammation which leads to cell necrosis. Afterwards, the PPC helps to improve the removal of fat via the bloodstream and reduces the side effects and toxicity of the DCA. (You can read about the exact mode of action of PPC in this article). Furthermore, the inflammation in the treated area causes fibrosis, i.e. connective tissue is newly formed. This leads to a tightening and thus additionally improves the skin’s appearance.

A slightly different procedure is used for the treatment with Nano-PPC. The much smaller and therefore better available Nano-PPC is not injected with deoxycholic acid but with glycyrrhizic acid. This does not lead to an inflammatory reaction. The above-mentioned tightening effect is therefore less, but on the other hand the side effects such as swelling and reddening are also not present and further treatment can follow more quickly.

Treatment process

A lipolysis treatment usually consists of 2-3 treatments, which are carried out at intervals of about 8 weeks. Your doctor injects the active substance directly into the area to be treated. The area is then massaged with an ultrasound device in order to distribute the agent completely and evenly in the tissue.

Subsequent application of the cooling Skin Attitude gel (affiliate link) and the use of Degozym – a bromelaine/papain enzyme supplement for haematomas – can further reduce the side effects. Taking oral PPC (such as the highly purified Memphosan) after the treatment can further assist the liver in eliminating the fat and thus improve the results. Your doctor can advise you individually on the correct follow-up treatment.

A satisfactory result can only be expected after all treatments have been completed. In this regard, the treatment is faster and better for some patients than for others. A good patient selection is essential to achieve the best possible results. You should therefore seek advice from a trained Network doctor.

Application areas of injection lipolysis / lipodissolve

Injection lipolysis is applicable in all areas where fat deposits occur. It is effective on the face, upper body, arms, legs and buttocks. Softer fat pads are usually best treated.

Lipolysis is also used in the treatment of lipomas. The benign fat tumours can also be almost completely removed by lipolysis. A combination with other therapies (see below) can be useful here.

Contraindications and possible side effects

An absolute contraindication applies to children, during pregnancy, nursing mothers, as well as diabetics (blood sugar disease) with vascular diseases (microangiopathies) and many autoimmune diseases except rheumatism and Hashimoto.

Known side effects of lipolysis are swelling, redness and heating of the injection area and hematomas (bruising), as well as sensitivity to pressure, pain and itching in the treated area. All these side-effects are expected to be natural side effects of any inflammatory process.

For further possible contraindications, as well as possible side effects, you should get specific advice from your treating doctor.

Combination therapies

Lipolysis is also excellently suited as an accompanying therapy to other procedures. In combination with cryolipolysis, Dual Frequency Ultrasound or Keto Cure diet, even large areas that are otherwise reserved for liposuction can be treated. In combination with mesotherapy the skin appearance can be improved – keyword cellulite. And lipolysis is also an excellent addition to the treatment spectrum for facial modelling.

Concluding words

A free shaping of one’s own body has never been as easy as it is today. Nutritional concepts such as the Keto Cure diet in combination with a personalised sports programme offer a healthy basis for fulfilling the last modelling wishes with therapies such as injection lipolysis. In-depth consultation with a trained doctor provides the ideal basis for achieving good to very good results.

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