Treating coronary heart disease with PPC


A Beautiful Health interviewed the general practitioner Joachim W. Picht from the Freiburg therapy centre

A BEAUTIFUL HEALTH: Mr Picht, you often treat patients with PPC in your centre. How did this come about, because PPC is not exactly known in Germany?

J.W. Picht: Yes, that’s correct. I got to know PPC a few decades ago during my residency. At that time it was used for prophylaxis and therapy of fat embolisms. I found this combination of molecules extremely exciting, especially the research results on atherosclerosis and dyslipidaemias (fat metabolism disorders) made a big impression on me. Although I suggested the use for these clinical pictures several times, my chief physicians at the time did not want to hear anything about it. I suppose there was not enough money to be made from it, because good scientific evidence could not be denied. Later, in my own practice, I used PPC, and I used it on many of my patients.

A BEAUTIFUL HEALTH: What has been your own experience with PPC?

J.W. Picht: Well, I have used PPC for many different clinical pictures, because unlike many of my colleagues I take a holistic view of the human being. In my therapy centre I also offer other therapies such as vitamin C high-dose therapy, orthomolecular medicine and chelation therapy when appropriate. I was particularly enthusiastic about the PPC molecule combination because it can positively influence almost all cell membranes and has thus enabled many of my patients with chronic diseases to improve their condition. Because, this is the most important statement about PPC and cell membranes: The functionality and activity of our cells are essentially dependent on their membrane. The membrane is effectively the control organ of our cells, which determines which proteins and enzymes become active to supply the cell with substances. This applies to all age-related conditions, to stress and burnout, but also to chronic inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis. There are also enough studies on alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty livers, from which almost a third of the world’s population suffers, to show that PPC is both preventive and therapeutic. Nearly all chronic diseases are also associated with a malfunction of the cell membranes, so many patients who suffer from these and especially from drugs with many side effects can achieve clear improvements here. By the way, taking PPC has one advantage – a positive side effect, so to speak: I observed an improvement in the appearance of the skin of almost all my patients, you could also say they simply looked younger.

A BEAUTIFUL HEALTH: You have treated many patients with heart disease, which can often be attributed to atherosclerotic plaques and disturbed fat metabolism. How can PPC have a therapeutic effect here?

J.W. Picht: Yes, I have even successfully treated some seriously ill patients. Two examples come to my mind spontaneously, which can be symptomatic for many others:

  • A 64-year-old patient with a pre-operated bypass had acute heart problems again, which manifested themselves as tightness in the chest. The hospital doctors were not even able to insert a heart catheter. He came to our practice and immediately received high-dose PPC infusions. After 8 weeks the patient was able to walk 8 kilometres again, before that he had to stop after 800 m. The patient was then operated, the wire passage with the catheter could be carried out without any problems and he was given several stents. Afterwards he came back to me for further infusions, a total of 26. To this day the patient has no problems at all, he goes for long walks and has survived the operation well, and that was already 10 years ago.
  • Here is another example, which I also find very impressive: A patient with an acute heart attack was operated and had 2 stents implanted. He was then given the usual conservative medication (ASS, ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs, clopidogrel) and continued to be cared for in rehabilitation. When he was admitted to rehab, his performance index was measured, which was then set at 100%. After rehab the index rose to 200 %, so his endurance performance had increased, as could be expected from rehab, but nothing more. The patient came to my practice and received 14 infusions of 2 g PPC each over a period of 8 weeks. Afterwards the performance index was 933%! This says a lot about the effect of PPC.

A BEAUTIFUL HEALTH: These are results that are generally considered almost impossible. Would you advise patients with signs of atherosclerosis, increased liver values or poor fat metabolism to take PPC as a preventive measure if possible?

J.W. Picht: PPC certainly cannot always protect us from all diseases, it depends mainly on the degree of damage. But since the oral PPC in capsule form, which was developed by the network with the help of Prof. Gundermann (Memphosan), I very often recommend it to my patients, because we all know that prevention is better than cure.

A BEAUTIFUL HEALTH: Mr Picht, thank you for the interview.

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