About the influence of energies on the body
There are numerous procedures in modern medicine that claim to achieve their effects via energies, frequencies, waves, etc. and many readers are already working with them. Conservatively oriented physicians consider everything that has to do with the subject of energy / information to be some kind of hocus-pocus. These are the same physicians who know about the placebo effect, but theoretically capitulate before the explanation of its effects, because they exclusively operate their medications via the simplest cause-effect relationships. Holism and systems thinking are foreign words for this kind of medicine.
This text is intended to give information and at the same time a practical orientation on how and for what to use therapies that are based on making energies work, using the example of three universally known specialties, namely homeopathy, light therapies and kinesiology. In which specific way do they work and to which kind of intervention do they belong?
The intention here is not to inform concretely about these therapies in detail, the corresponding schools or users can do that better and more detailed at first hand. Some suitable, in the truest sense of the word expanding presentations and/or training courses can be called up additionally by specialists in the Globalhealth Academy of the Extended Medicine network. In the course of time, according to the planning, these will be continuously developed and completed.
The basis of the thoughts presented here is that the differentiation between energetic, naturopathic, material or manual therapy misses the core of the matter, and that this differentiation is more due to the laws of the market, where it is important to distinguish or differentiate one’s own product or therapy offer sharply from that of others.
In fact, puristic therapy rarely takes place. Most therapeutic offers make use of multifactorial ways of intervention in the disease process.
Preliminary note
When people talk about energetic therapy, they are actually referring to two different approaches, each of which makes use of several therapies.
Both have in common that they assume the existence of energy in every living system. The difference is that some therapies aim to free the energy present in the body from blockages in the flow of energy. A famous example of this would be acupuncture.
Other therapies, however, assume that the body lacks energy, so it must be supplied from the outside. An example of this theory would be, for example, the area laser.
Let’s start with homeopathy in the therapeutic interpretation of Samuel Hahnemann with his famous globules.
Here, it is assumed that the disease is cured by providing the body with information about its symptoms, which would trigger this specific disease in a healthy person. What is the meaning of the philosophy of treating the same with the same (or more precisely: similar with similar)? If this would take place over real substances or matter, the patient would be lost. Consequently, one reduces the ” same ” by diluting the original substance as an alcohol extract so often in water and shaking it so that in the end “only” the energetic information remains.
Every user will confirm that this is not hocus-pocus, despite the many doubters. The study situation is not optimal because the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in paying for expensive studies for something that does not yield large profits. After all, the Homeopathy Research Institute lists 129 double-blind studies (1).
However, this does not yet mean that the homeopathy practiced today is actually useful and, above all, not alternative.
There are further claims to verify in the process. Every reader who is familiar with homeopathy knows this fact: Hahnemann assumed a holistic treatment of the sick and thought that diseases are constitutionally typical.
So he endeavored to elicit the constitutional type of the patient with the help of a complex list of questions, in order to then administer the “only correct” substance in diluted and energized form. Which substance was appropriate for this, each user could pick out from the Materia Medica.
This is where the weaknesses of the process become apparent:
First, in emergency or acute cases, this diagnostic procedure may take far too long to be useful to patients.
Secondly, the diagnostic system is based on the subjective feelings of a patient interview. However, every practitioner knows that 10 patients also have 10 different stories to tell about one and the same disease. Rarely do patients have such an objective neutral self-perception, which is why the results of such a survey must remain in doubt.
And thirdly, the administration of an exact counter frequency against the disease must be razor sharp, otherwise it cannot be neutralized.
These handicaps have subsequently been eliminated by merely creating antidotes for the diseases. Although this violates the principle of holism, it is more successful from a pragmatic point of view.
Hahnemann, in fact, developed LM Globuli towards the end of his life because the initial aggravations of his type of therapy were no longer justifiable in some patients with weak self-healing powers.
Subsequently, from these origins, many variations have occurred. Dosages and indications are used de facto but mostly “orthodox” or mechanistic (3X3 globules for 3 weeks, etc.). Here a clear counterposition: If energetic therapy is not used individually, then it misses the core of the idea.
It therefore makes sense to draw on the wealth of experience of practitioners, i.e. to ask users what works, as is the case with arnica, for example.
Multicombination agents such as Regenaplexes are to be judged as questionable, because it must be doubted that the body can metabolize a frequency rain of this kind well. Only under specific conditions, e.g. in cancer therapy with appropriate laboratory tests, Regenaplexes should be used adjuvantly by appropriately trained therapists. The developer of these substances has successfully tested them on himself as a lung cancer patient.
From Hahnemann’s perspective, Regenaplexes in general seem like shooting with buckshot to get a hit at all costs.
Mother tinctures are often offered as homeopathic medicines. However, they originate from the field of phytotherapy. As surely known to every reader, Schüssler salts are also very popular, although they work only with dilutions, but not with shaking, the result of which is energization. In the strict sense, they are also not homeopathic.
Those who do not believe in this kind of energetic therapy will themselves oppose the effect of the administered substances on an energetic level, and since the personal mind is stronger than the weak frequencies of the remedies, the non-believer had better keep his hands off this concrete therapy. The homeopathic remedies always work, there is no need to doubt that. Good homeopaths with a lot of experience can be trusted with confidence.

Light therapy and other interventions of energetic nature
A very modern form of therapy is light therapy. This was developed by “officially” recognized scientists and its effects on biochemical bases of the body are scientifically proven. These are laser acupuncture, area laser and blood laser therapy. These therapies used energy in the form of laser radiation in the treatment. This should either stimulate the acupuncture points, in order to remove blockages of the energy flow in this way, or whole areas or organs are irradiated by various frequencies and rhythms, in order to stimulate the organism, specifically the cells, for renewal, or laser light should have a renewing effect on the red blood cells through a probe in a vein. All 3 treatment methods have a long-term effect, as they stimulate the metabolism and renewal of the cells by energizing the mitochondria. The effects can be felt for months. Even concrete injuries and acute damage in the human anatomy can be successfully treated acutely. The long-term effect is nevertheless given and acts like an anti-aging effect.
This is a strong, intensive therapy, which is also not without initial worsening. It is clearly allopathic and is intended to repair physiological damage. As a therapy, it is by no means holistic, but has an effect on the whole body.
In the broadest sense, irradiation by colored light also belongs to this field. Here the effects are weaker or better said gentler and it is suitable therefore for smaller problem manifestations of the body. This therapy with different spectra of light via LED of different wavelengths is still rare in Germany, but has already reached the conservative specialist practice in many other countries.
The same applies to treatment with magnets and sound forks, singing bowls or other instruments such as the Australian didgeridoos.
These are purely energetic therapies and tools, the physical effect of which has been simultaneously verified in many experiments. By vibrating a sound fork, vibrations can act on our body fluids, changing them energetically.
They are especially effective when the use of frequencies, rhythms and duration has been previously concretized and modulated by kinesiological testing.
Aromatherapy also works with the reception of olfactory sensations and has meanwhile arrived in the canon of knowledge taught at universities.

At this point I would like to present the energetic part of kinesiology. I subordinate the practical part to the manual therapies, because in the diagnostic area a very clear diagnosis and early detection of disease can be realized with the manifold muscle tests. In many cases this can save superfluous, mind you superfluous, conventional medical differential diagnostics. The safest way here is the use of nosodes and modes.
Questions can only be used to a limited extent, since it must always be taken into account that, in order to obtain verified statements from the body, one must have “dialed in” the individual physiological areas and the body already requires a basis of experience. Another difficulty with the tests is that uncontrolled, digressive thoughts from the patient or practitioner can falsify the results. The quality therefore depends on the quality of the question and requires intensive training.
Therapeutic procedures within the framework of kinesiology have a holistic effect, can be both homeopathic and allopathic, and are tangential to the field of energetic and manual treatment methods.
The high effectiveness is due to the concrete use of the activity of the nervous system or the brain by kinesiology. A calm setting is the basic condition, then it is successful, i.e. diagnostically correct. By the way, using kinesiology does not mean that in case of suspicion of a more serious disease, the seemingly more “objective” methods of modern device medicine are not additionally used diagnostically. In this argumentation it is not about stubbornness and the recommendation of the one, correct diagnostics. In general terms, it is rather a matter of offering new and additional diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities to practitioners and of enabling early diagnostic detection by means of the experience gained.
Kinesiology cannot be practiced on the fly. Those who disparage this procedure as ridiculous and gimmicky should rather lie down on the couch once and have a muscle test performed, they will realize that even with effort they cannot perform any manipulation.
Within kinesiology there are methods that correlate mainly with TCM and whose healing experience is based on bringing the energy of the meridians back into flow. Others work with the chakras of Indian medicine.
Still others directly control dysbalances in individual brain sections. The latter can be very effective, as with NFI (neuro functional integration) or NIS (neurological integration system), but must therefore also be used with particular caution.
In fact, we are getting into the area of treating a central switching point for metabolism with the world, which becomes counterproductive if the patient is not ready for it and this is not part of his free choice.
Changes must be made ecologically and not on the basis of superficial freedom from complaints. Thus, these procedures must be used with the utmost caution and circumspection.
Summary and conclusions
If one considers the human being as a system that can only be viewed holistically as a unity of body and psyche, one can see that the separation of this unity has had an impact on many developments of modern medicine, which on the one hand have led to the fact that we know in great detail about the chemical and physiological processes within our body, but on the other hand have insufficient knowledge of the effects on this overall system, which are controlled in particular by energies. The denial of the influence of energies and therapies relying on energies can be considered disastrous for the development of medicine. Their part, which is difficult to prove, but nevertheless given by many evidences, especially in therapeutic practice, urgently needs in-depth studies, which will absolutely have to take into account the findings of quantum mechanics and its logical conclusions for a modern and holistic medicine.