From doctors network to information platform for the general public
Supported by the Network Globalhealth
We, the editors of A Beautiful Health, have made it our task to publish interesting, sometimes critical information on our two topics. We cooperate closely with the Network Globalhealth, a physician network with more than 2,000 members worldwide, so we can use the whole experience of the network and access its accumulated knowledge. We see it as our task to summarize this knowledge for you as end users and to present it in easily understandable articles. We will be able to offer a wide range of informative blog posts, summaries of studies, field reports, as well as tips & tricks for everyday life.
Who is behind the Network Globalhealth? It started as a training network for physicians and is now developing further to make its knowledge from more than 15 years in the further education of physicians available to the general population.
Since its foundation in 2004, the Network-Globalhealth has been gathering experience in training doctors from all over the world and broadening their treatment horizon in various workshops. Its offer ranges from classical medical topics to minimally invasive beauty therapies and, more recently, extended medicine.
Fueled by passion and founded in science – making knowledge accessible to everyone, that is our vision.